Reel Reflections, Thursday, Feb. 20
Dinner and a Movie Edition, 6 pm BYOD, 6:30 Movie
The movie is "Unspoken: The Christian Heritage of Africa"
Unspoken tells the incredible story of the historical and nuanced relationship between the Christian faith and African descendants. Christianity spread in many directions following Christ's crucifixion in the Middle East, and many of the oldest Christian traditions trace back to Africa.
If you are bringing your dinner, please arrive at the church at 6 pm. The movie will begin at 6:30 pm in person and via Zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 886 4004 5568
Passcode: 480803

Mexican Train Dominos
Saturday, February 22, 2025, 2 pm, Fellowship Hall
Please join in the fun! You don't have to know how to play beforehand. If you're curious about learning more, see the website beneath the picture. It's a beginner's guide to the game.
"The objective of Mexican Train Dominoes is to be the first player to get rid of all their dominoes by creating trains that connect to the central “hub” or engine.
The game is played with a standard set of Double Twelve dominoes, and each player has their own train, as well as the option to play on the Mexican Train, which is a shared train that belongs to all players.

Information taken from

Sunday Services: 8:30 am and 11:00 am; Sunday School: 9:45 am
139 W. 8th St., Port Angeles, WA 98362; 360.452.4781
Church Office Hours: 10 am - 3 pm, Mon. - Thurs. ​​​
Friendly, faithful people spreading the Gospel of Christ